Date: 8/7-8/15
Clanwar: Detroit
Place: 5th
Division: 5-10
CP: 264
LB: 752
Rival: 10
Rewards: Same
Roster: (5-10) bullet103, sillycrazmonkey, GroundRunner, drewsantana, Achtung_Castile, corpgiroro, Str8Karma, bosshogg, MuddyWaters, Velo214, L_CANGRY, those-who-shall-not-be-named (OfficialFusionz, Cartman)
Notes: Hardest. War. Yet. Pretty far from last war. Round 1 was actually pretty good except for 1 party not finding games for first 15min of war, it happens. But Round 2, though it started off well, crashed and burned. It all started when I had to replace cartman right before the war using up extra subs. Then Official left 1/2 through the war RIGHT when we needed to Cap HCTDM to zoom ahead. We ended up having to play an extra game to take it cause we missed it by **1** win, his win. We played follow the leaders rest of Round 2 not achieving much. At the very end we could have been up at least 1 place but again, we could not take TW Gaming off TDM because the last 2 games in 1 party were missing **1** win. It was the last time I could let this happen. No matter how loyal and excited a roster member is, if you go missing at all in these very tough wars, you set team back considerably. TY for your service Cartman and Official. Best of luck elsewhere. This war hurt like no other…
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